Why can’t we close the gender pay gap?  New research evidence

Why can’t we close the gender pay gap? New research evidence

New research evidence followed by a policy panel discussion - how new research might inform future policy making and improve progress

By The ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change

Date and time

Thu, 31 Mar 2022 03:00 - 05:00 PDT



About this event

This event will be chaired by Gillian Unsworth, Head of Gender and Workplace Equality at the Cabinet Office.

There will be three short research presentations from leading academics in the field, highlighting new evidence on the gender pay gap. These will be:

Dr Silvia Avram & Dr Daria Popova (ISER, Essex), with Professor Susan Harkness (Bristol): Are women with families paying the price for a lack of mobility? Quantitative and qualitative gender differences in job mobility and how these influence pay

Dr Francesca Foliano (UCL) : How did the gender pay gap change over the last fifty years? Evidence from within and across birth cohorts

Professor Roland Rathelot, (ENSAE Paris): How much do women pay for shorter commutes? Evidence from France

Following the presentations there will be a panel discussion with policy experts and campaigners, on the current policy direction and how this research might inform further progress, with

  • Josie Irwin (Unison)
  • Anna Ritchie Allan (Close The Gap)
  • Jemima Olchawski (Fawcett Society)
  • Zubaida Haque (The Equality Trust)

Organised by

The ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC) is a multidisciplinary centre, promoting collaboration between economists, sociologists and other social scientists. MiSoC is based at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex.

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